Saturday, July 30, 2005

what a cute panda


One day, a panda goes into a café and ordered a sandwich. After finishing his meal, he took out a gun. He fires two shots into the air and moves toward the door.

Perplexed, the bartender asks him why he did that.

"I'm a panda," he replies, tossing a badly-punctuated wildlife manual at the man. "Look it up."

Inside, the panda's entry reads as follows: "Panda. Large bear-like mammal native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves."

Wanna play a simple punctuation game? No prizes though.


Anonymous said...

Hi Merf!
I have the book from which this anecdote came and you might be interested to read about it. I wrote this in my blog in March, 2005 (before I opened by blog to the public).

Here is the link:

merf said...

I'm gonna hunt for this book in a local library. Gonna get my hands on it!