Monday, July 04, 2005

Mr. & Mrs. blow-you-to-Smithereens

It was definitely worth watching it though HC commented that "there wasn't enough action" after coming out of the cinema. I wonder how much action he was expecting. "I like seeing explosions crisis etc...action up till the very end..." Sounds like he's describing a Arnold Schwarzenegger type of film. True enough, he also likes watching Independence Day, Armageddon type of movie. The up and coming Fantastic Four(aka F4) might suit his taste and I'm expecting lots of action out of it too unless the trailer is showing all of the actions there is.

The whole movie wasn't too crappy or simply just action-packed. Okay, maybe the actions are not enough but I still like it. Felt Brad and Angelina looks pleasant as a couple on the screen. Brad was really goofy in the show and made me laugh at some of his kiddish movements. Angelina was rather stiff in her acting but I prefer her to stay cool and give those cold one-liners. I like it.And there were touching moments as well. Wonder if there'll be a sequel to it. hah.


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