Tuesday, July 26, 2005

vuh-NILL-uh ice

vanilla ben

vanilla \vuh-NILL-uh\ adjective
1 : flavored with vanilla
*2 : lacking distinction : plain, ordinary, conventional

Example sentence:
"The Razorbacks [football team] backed off the blitz and played vanilla* defense in the second half...." (Scott Cain, 'Arkansas Democrat-Gazette', 16 November 2003)

Did you know?
For lexicographers, "vanilla" has more flavor than "chocolate," because it adds a tasty synonym for "plain" to the English menu. The noun "vanilla" was first served up in 1662, but it took almost 200 years for its adjective use to become established for things, like ice and sugar, flavored with vanilla. By the 1970s vanilla was perceived as being the plain flavor of the ice-cream world, and people began using the word itself to describe anything plain, ordinary, or conventional.

Vanilla with Coca Cola/ Rootbeer or chocolate chips and it'll be plain no more. YUM! YUM!

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