Saturday, September 03, 2005


panacea \pan-uh-SEE-uh\ noun
: a remedy for all ills or difficulties : cure-all

Example sentence:
Education reform is sometimes viewed as a panacea for all of society's problems.

I need a panacea for my runny nose.

This morning, I was caught in a heavy rain after I came out from the gym. It was all nice, bright and sunny while I was swimming and sun tanning at the gym. After I was all freshen up after a good shower and about to make my way back home, outside was already pouring heavily. Saw some adults and children who were swimming in the pool were taking shelter nearby. What a sudden change of weather!

Just not too long ago, it was sunny-side-up and suddenly it's pouring like mad dogs and wild cats.

Thanks. I had a church wedding to attend later on. I used a file in my bag to shelter my head as I run the to the bus-stop.

During the church wedding, my nose was acting normally until the couple exchanged vows and rings and other stuff. People might have thought I was getting emotional. Well, maybe a little. Witnessing a wedding is a great honour and blessing to me. On the other side, I drag going for wedding dinner because I think it's a big waste of time and it's going to blow a hole in my wallet.

Sometimes I can't find anything interesting to write on the couple's autograph book. Why repeat what so many people before you has written?? Cannot understand.

Before the father of the bride and the bride walks along the church aisle, a song was played. It was the cue for the both of them to come in. What amaze me was that the song was sang by the bridgegroom! Live! Alive (duh, of course)! My back was facing him and I didn't notice he was singing the song to his bride. Initially, I thought it was a song played by the CD. Very impressive I must say.

Ahhh. My nose is back to normal again.

Then again, I might need a panacea for my mind to function like normal. hah.


adinahaes said...

dear boy

its an autograph book..i read the damn sentence three times wondering what the hell word that was.

merf said...

Opps. Sorry!

Will make a change to it. heehee. *sheepish*