Monday, August 08, 2005

Johnny IS good!

On Sunday, fenfen and I watched the movie, "Charlie and Chocolate Factory" at Grand GV. It was the first time for us to watch a movie at this cinema in Great World City. On the Golden Village website, it has installed this novel idea of "Scentertainment", claiming to "transported aromatically into the movie", at GV Grand and GV Bishan cinemas only. I was thrilled at the idea of this scentertainment and decided to book the tickets for the screening on Sunday.

Besides the smell of cocoa when we first stepped into the theatre before the start of the show, I don't remember that I have the feeling of being transported aromatically into the movie. What a disappointment. No matter how hard I consciously try to sniff during the movie, I don't smell anything chocolate-ty! Thought they would release some chocolate smell into the theatre when we reach the particular scenes of the chocolate factory. Nothing! I don't feel that I was being transported at all. HELLO! I'm still at my seat, F11! haha.

It's makes no difference even if I watched the show in other cinema theatres. They could have saved the money and distribute chocolate snacks to the patrons instead. At least the movie-goers go back feeling happy.

Nothing much in the movie excites me except the glasses which Willy Wonka wore during the show. I think they are cool! So retro. haha. Was super impressed with Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka. Makes me marveled at how versatile an actor he is and he has done so many different roles before. Johnny is actor who belongs to the "whatever you want me to be" category. Totally impressed.

The movie is just visually stimulating, that's all. I believe the book is much better than the movie. Children have tons of stuff to learn from the movie:

1) Keep your eyes on the floor. You just might find a stupid person dropping a 10 dollar for you to buy your favourite snacks. (I did pick up a $10 note in school when I was 14 and I was quite honest enough not to keep it. But I was quite stupid to place it on someone's schoolbag nearby cause I reasoned at that time, it must have been dropped from the nearest place. So have to be that nearest schoolbag. Duh.)

2) Remember to get back your change when you buy chocolates. Even when you won a Golden Ticket.

2) If someone told you that you can eat the grass, don't be silly enough to go and eat it! What if he tells you that the cow manure is also made of chocolate?

3) Avoid taking food from strangers.

4) Do not keep squirrel as a pet. It might think you are a bad nutcase.

5) Don't try to be a wise guy even when you are much smarter than your parents.

6) There are people who can't pronounce the word, "parents". So don't think you are that bad in your English.

7) You can stay young by eating chocolates! (Better still, live in a chocolate factory.)

8) Don't ever exchange anything in the whole world for your family's love.

Any more lessons to learn from the show?


What good is it
for a man to gain the whole world,
yet forfeit his soul?
Mark 8:36

1 comment:

Hannah Neo said...

Heh... Farnie la you... My review of it was much more sombre....